Sponsor Child

Silent Hands Support Incorporated's "Sponsor a Child" project aims to provide comprehensive support and care for underprivileged children in Bangladesh who are in need of assistance. We recognize the challenges faced by children from impoverished backgrounds or those who have lost their parents, and we strive to offer them a brighter future through sponsorship.

Through this project, we take on the full responsibility of supporting these children, encompassing their essential needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. Our objective is to ensure that they have a nurturing environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential. By providing continuous support and guidance, we aim to empower these children to become self-sufficient and lead successful lives.

Operating throughout Bangladesh, we identify children living in intense financial crises and offer them an opportunity for a better life. Since February 2020, we have sponsored 165 vulnerable children.

With the generous support of donors worldwide, we strive to continue this project and make a lasting impact on the lives of more children in need. Together, let's be the guiding light in these children's lives, offering them hope, love, and the opportunity to thrive.