
Who We Are

“Worldwide standing as a promise “

In the tapestry of compassion and goodwill, emerges Silent Hands Support Incorporated, a beacon of hope that shows the light. We are not just a non-profit organization but the embodiment of altruism. We are registered under the Australian Charity & Not for Profit Commission (ACNC); Reg. No. INC1800904, proudly bearing the ABN: 72778890457. But we are more than just numbers and acronyms – we are a promise.

Silent Hands Support Inc. is not merely an organization; it is a symphony of compassion orchestrated to resonate across borders. Our programs are crafted with care and designed to weave a safety net for the underprivileged. We stand as pillars of support offering aid for the basic human needs. Be it nourishment, education, health, shelter or otherwise.

Within our embrace, we cradle the dreams of the underprivileged children and families, breathing life into aspirations that may have otherwise remained dormant.

Our services are not shackled by geographical boundaries but, they transcend borders, touching lives across the globe. We empower those yearning for education, providing the key to unlock doors of opportunity. We stand by those battling illness and disability, offering solace and support.

Silent Hands Support Inc. isn't just an organization; it's a symphony of care, weaving interconnected support. In the mission of painting the world where every act of kindness shapes a profound impact.