In the turbulent arena of human crises, Silent Hands Support Incorporated's Emergency Support Project emerges as a relentless force against the tides of disaster - Flood, Storm, Pandemic, and Fire. Since its thunderous inception in April 2019, it has extended a lifeline to 63,352 souls worldwide. With the urgency of a beating heart, it rushes to the aid of those ensnared in emergencies, offering crucial provisions - food, shelter, and healing touch. The Pandemic initiative, a warrior in the COVID-19 battlefield, rescued over 51,000. Poised for future battles, it stands as a sentinel, empowering souls to rise from the ashes of adversity.
Education is the fundamental rights for all in Bangladesh. It is called the backbone of a nation. But they're many children who are being educated by great hardship. Rafiq was one of them. His mother was a domestic worker. She tried to