In the annals of transformation, Silent Hands Support Incorporated's Empowering Lives Initiative reigns supreme, a force impacting 44,402 souls globally since its November 2018 dawn. This groundbreaking project, a symphony of change, unfolds through Zakat, Employment, Shelter, and Water. Zakat channels benevolence, Employment battles unemployment, Shelter rebuilds lives, and Water safeguards health. Through this epic initiative, Silent Hands Support heralds a new era of hope, illuminating the path for those ensnared by life's darkest trials.
Widow Minara Begum's small family with a speech-impaired daughter. Her husband passed away 10 years ago due to lack of medical treatment. The little income she earns from working in other people's houses. That income helps the mother and daughter
"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" ————————————- #Zakat Project 2024: ———————————- Assalamu Alaikum. Zakat is given great importance in Islam after prayer. Because besides purifying our wealth, Zakat play
Donate NowAt the age of 16, She had to take the responsiblity of the whole family. Shapla Akhtar is a brilliant student currently studying in class 10. Her 75 year old father was the muezzin of the village mosque but had to resign 3 years ago due to regular
A little income has been arranged for Parul, who was widowed 20 days ago. Leaving behind three children, Parul's husband (30) died 20 days ago. Parul, who suddenly became a widow at the age of 25, is introduced to a new life. There is no inco
Life is especially tough for disabled children like Shakil from Shariatpur, Bangladesh. After losing his father, Shakil's mother, a domestic worker, struggled to make ends meet, often resorting to collecting waste. With insufficient income, afford