Silent Hands Support Incorporated's "Clean Water" focuses on providing access to clean and safe drinking water in areas of Bangladesh where it is scarce. We recognize that water is a fundamental necessity for life, and we aim to address the challenges faced by communities lacking access to clean water sources.
Operating across Bangladesh, we identify areas with limited access to clean water and establish hand water pumps, commonly known as tube wells, to provide a sustainable source of fresh drinking water. By doing so, we strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
Since January 2020, we have successfully established over 170 tube wells in various regions, positively impacting the lives of more than 43,520 individuals. However, our work is not complete. With your support, we aim to expand our initiative, reaching more communities and ensuring that every individual has access to clean water.
Silent Hands Support successfully installed a deep tube well in Moddhomithanol, Chittagong, funded by a generous donor. This initiative provides clean drinking water to Saiful Islam’s family and the surrounding community, addressing a critic
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