SWN-008: Rafiq (Education)

Education is the fundamental rights for all in Bangladesh. It is called the backbone of a nation. But they're many children who are being educated by great hardship. Rafiq was one of them. His mother was a domestic worker. She tried to manage his educational expenses. She had three sons. He was one of them. It's very tough for his mother to continue his education. Silent Hands Support, a humanitarian organisation, came forward to assist him to continue education and gave him BDT-5000.00 to buy books.

All that is true if you START NOW. Make your first donation and set out for a new journey of generosity…

Project Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 766634920
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Zakat Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323457451
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Sadaka Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323464723
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Education Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 291460030
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)