SWN-016: Warmth and Relief for North Bengal: Winter Clothes Distribution

North Bengal, among the most underprivileged regions in Bangladesh, faces severe hardships during winter. Recognizing this, Silent Hands Support launched a winter clothes project to alleviate their suffering. On December 17, 2018, in the first phase, 250 people in Saghata and Bala Bamunia, Gaibandha district, received winter clothes, along with breakfast and packed dinners. The distribution took place at Udayan Chatter, bringing much-needed warmth and nourishment to the recipients. Both the beneficiaries and Silent Hands Support were deeply gratified by the success of this initiative.

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Project Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 766634920
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Zakat Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323457451
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Sadaka Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323464723
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Education Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 291460030
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)