SWN-034: Treatment of Nafiz Hossain and Naim Hossain are twin brothers.

While Nafiz Hossain was undergoing treatment at the hospital in Dhaka, Silent Hands Support, stood beside Nafiz on the request of Silent Hands Support members and assisted him to release from the hospital by paying Tk-15000. Even then Nafiz Hossain's family requested Silent Hands Support to stand beside them. Moreover, the members of Silent Hand Support extended their hands to stand beside Nafiz. As a result, Silent Hands Support team met with Nafiz family on 01 June, 2019. After getting acquainted with the current situation of Nafiz, Silent Hands Support had given Tk-10,000 to the family of Nafiz. The project was completed on time.

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Project Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 766634920
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Zakat Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323457451
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Sadaka Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323464723
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Education Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 291460030
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)