SWN-037: Wheelchair for Sajed Sheikh

Sajed Sheikh was not only a very poor but also a physically disabled man. He had to lead a very miserable life. By hearing of him, Silent Hands Support team members came forward to assist him. He was given a wheelchair and cash of 36,500.00 Taka. Many many prayers and love for all those who helped and cooperated to complete the Sajed Sheikh project. The project area was the village of Tekerhat at Rajoir Upozila under Madaripur district in Bangladesh and completed on 12 July, 2019.

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Project Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 766634920
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Zakat Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323457451
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Sadaka Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 323464723
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)
Education Account
Bank Deposit/Transfer: National Australia Bank
ACC Name: Silent Hands Support
BSB: 082124
ACC NO: 291460030
Description: Your Name
SWIFT CODE: NATAAU3302S( If needed)